Two years ago, was a very busy and emotional Saturday. Two years ago, John and I were married.
Last year, we celebrated by eating a thawed 1 year old cake. We thought about what all had passed in a year, and most of it was trying to learn more about each other. The first year was us trying to learn "how" to be "us". There were a lot of waves, and for me emotionally that year was big. We took a newly wed class that I absolutely loved, and constantly feel like I need to go back to the Waffles and Spaghetti book to re-read my notes. I really love that book, and I constantly think about ways to use what it has taught us to benefit "us".
Today, at the two year mark, I will hardly get to see my husband. I'm a little bummed. I was supposed to go to the gym this morning, but skipped because I wanted to stay a little longer with him. He is sick right now, and I feel bad waking him up to tell him goodbye as I leave for work. Then when I get home tonight around 7, he will be at band practice until later on in the evening. This is a Tuesday night often occurance, and I love to see my husband play, but I wish our anniversary this year was not on a Tuesday. We planned that when he gets home we will try to go out for a drink somewhere, then I have to get home and in bed by 10 so I can wake up for the gym tomorrow (esp since I skipped both Monday and today). So this year, we're going to celebrate our Anniversary on Friday night with a nice quiet dinner and a little time out downtown afterwards.
I'm excited for Friday. Reflecting on this past year, we have done a lot. John got laid off, and consequently, started a new business. We tried to buy a house this year as well, and things did not work out well. We moved from our First apartment together in Cary, and downtown to a new place. We had a low-key New Year's Party at our new apartment. I was in a best friend's wedding, which has led us closer to some friends in the western part of the state. And John's getting busier by the day with the business. Not sure if it's just spring, or if the economy is turning around, but people are calling daily about new projects. One observation, since we moved downtown, I have started to notice our alcohol consumption has definitely increased, probably due to the proximity we are to the bar, and how everyone calls us when they're out for us to come and meet up with them. However, it's probably more accurate to say that the amount at one time has gone down, we just seem to drink more often. haha
So Friday, when we go to dinner, I will soak up every ounce of precious quiet alone time with him. It comes so rarely these days and I need it so much. It seems that lately when it does get quiet, we both end up falling asleep. Usually I'm excited to get to "do" things with John. We went to see the Nutcracker play one year for Christmas and I loved seeing that with him, and while it might be nice to "do" something, I'm just excited to finally get to spend one on one time with him. That is more precious to me this year than "doing" something.
Despite the overcast skies, and small amount of time I got to see him, this day has still started off pretty well: Work is having a Cinco de Mayo party, and my plate is full of yummy goodness; Tuesdays are generally the slower days at work; and my husband told me I look "really good" this morning....nice.
So Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!
And Happy Happy Anniversary Hon, I love you, very much!