Tuesday, May 19, 2009

East Street Living

Our wonderful, thoughtful, and incredibly nice friend Wendy gave John a GREAT Birthday gift! Okay, so it wasn't really for his birthday, but we hooked it up on his birthday....

A DRYER!!! a FREE dryer at that!! It only has a slight defect, in that it wont turn off unless you manually open the door, but we can deal with that. Plus I have "Mr. Fix-it" so we can figure it out and BAM, a perfect dryer!

Seriously, you have no idea how happy this makes me.

We were using the washer and dryer units here at the apartment complex, that was across the parking lot. Each load costs $2 to complete ($1 to wash/$1 to dry). A roll of quarters only does 5 loads this way, and considering that we wait until we have no clothes to do all of the clothes, it doesn't go very far. The washer is okay, but the dryers are like those you used in college, you have to keep feeding it quarters because one time through never completely dries the load. So now, we will be able to do 10 loads with a roll of quarters, and our water bill will not go up! (which is key when Wake Co. always has water restrictions in the summer)

A washer may be in the workings later, but for now, this is GREAT!!! I LOVE IT!!

P.S. - Never thought I would be this happy about an appliance that will end up making me work. THANKS WENDY!!!

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