Thursday, April 23, 2009

Experiment update (quick)

Good news: Aria is calming down. She hasn't been licking as often, which I'm sure will be promising news for the hair (eventually). She's pretty much staying her loving, rub-on-your-leg self, and she's eating her food.

This cat is seriously finicky. She doesn't eat any actual meat, only what is in the form of cat food. No chicken, no fish, no beef, no nothing. If it's wet food, she'll lick off all the liquid flavoring, and then leave the rest for days, refusing to eat it. Needless to say, it's an accomplishment for her to eat her food with this Fish oil on it.

So far, She has not regrown hair. She has however, stopped licking so much. She still licks more often than necessary, but the recurrence has gone way down. She's pretty calm for the most part, and she hasnt gained any noticable weight.

On the negatives, I kinda wanted to see some hair regrowing by now. I guess I was a little anxious considering it's only been 2 1/2 weeks, but this cat is ugly right now. Also, her breath...STINKS! Horrible! She also is pretty timid about eating the food when it has the Fish oil on it, but eventually, she does eat it.

Overall, I'd say we're on a good path here! I will update at 4 weeks with pics and we can all vote on the outcomes! :)

P.S. - I'm starting to work out now, and my energy levels are great! I actually have a little muscle starting to form in my biceps and my butt is looking great!! :)

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